Outreach Program:
Visiting Optometrists Scheme (VOS)
DOWNLOAD: VOS Service Needs Assessment Report – July 2022 (PDF)
Supporting optometry services for Australians in regional, rural and remote areas. The VOS is made up of an Indigenous and non-Indigenous component with the Indigenous component making up 40% of the total funding.
The Visiting Optometrists Scheme (VOS) program provides outreach eye services to people living in rural and regional locations, who do not have ready access to primary eye care services, and supports optometrists in delivering outreach optometric services to those communities with an identified need.
VOS Objectives:
The objective of the VOS is to improve eye health of people in regional, rural and remote locations by:
- Increasing optometry services in areas of identified need;
- Improving the coordination and integration of those eye health services and the quality of ongoing patient care; and
- Enhancing communication between visiting optometrists, local health providers and other visiting health professionals
- Administration of these services
- Travel costs, accommodation and meals/incidentals for visiting Health Professionals
- Equipment lease
- Host facility fees
- Cultural awareness training for non-salaried private providers
- Professional support associated with outreach services
The Department of Health uses the Modified Monash Model (MMM) 2019 classification system to determine eligibility for service locations across Australia. Services supported through the VOS are delivered in MM 2 (regional centres) to MM 7 (very remote communities). Services for First Nations patients may also be provided in MM1 locations.
- Optometry services
- Optometry students (under optometrist supervision)